Housi App Space - Ser sindico não precisa ser complicado
Recebemos um desafio da Housi: criar um motion comercial que mostrasse como o Housi Appspace transforma a rotina dos síndicos. A missão era explicar, de forma prática e envolvente, como essa plataforma tecnológica facilita a gestão de condomínios, trazendo mais tempo e comodidade para focar no que realmente importa. Nosso foco foi destacar o contraste entre a vida com e sem o Appspace, enquanto exploramos os pilares da marca – praticidade, lifestyle e comunidade – em uma narrativa leve e cheia de propósito.
We were presented with a challenge by Housi: to create a motion commercial showcasing how Housi Appspace transforms property managers’ routines. The mission was to clearly and engagingly explain how this tech platform simplifies condominium management, offering more time and convenience to focus on what truly matters. Our focus was to highlight the contrast between life with and without Appspace while exploring the brand's core pillars – practicality, lifestyle, and community – through a lighthearted and purposeful narrative.
Roteiro: Mário Oshiro
Locução: Maria Paula
Ilustração: Estúdio Nalu
Motion: Maurício Alves
Motion: Maurício Alves
Criamos dois personagens principais para destacar o contraste entre a vida com e sem o Housi Appspace. João é o síndico que utiliza o Appspace, representado por ambientes organizados, cores vibrantes e uma rotina tranquila, sempre sorridente e com resultados positivos, como moradores felizes e uma gestão eficiente. Já Diogo, o síndico sem Appspace, vive rodeado de caos: escritórios bagunçados, fachada deteriorada e moradores insatisfeitos. As cenas reforçam essa diferença de maneira visual e simbólica, com tons vibrantes para João e neutros, quase monocromáticos, para Diogo. O contraste é ainda mais evidente em momentos como a rotina de trabalho e o estado do condomínio, destacando como o Appspace traz praticidade, eficiência e tempo para focar no que realmente importa.
We created two main characters to highlight the contrast between life with and without Housi Appspace. João, the property manager using Appspace, is portrayed in organized environments with vibrant colors and a calm routine, always smiling and achieving positive results, such as satisfied residents and efficient management. On the other hand, Diogo, the manager without Appspace, is surrounded by chaos: messy offices, deteriorated building façades, and unhappy residents. The scenes emphasize this difference visually and symbolically, with vibrant tones for João and neutral, almost monochromatic shades for Diogo. The contrast becomes even more apparent in moments such as their work routines and the state of the condominium, showcasing how Appspace brings practicality, efficiency, and time to focus on what truly matters.
We created two main characters to highlight the contrast between life with and without Housi Appspace. João, the property manager using Appspace, is portrayed in organized environments with vibrant colors and a calm routine, always smiling and achieving positive results, such as satisfied residents and efficient management. On the other hand, Diogo, the manager without Appspace, is surrounded by chaos: messy offices, deteriorated building façades, and unhappy residents. The scenes emphasize this difference visually and symbolically, with vibrant tones for João and neutral, almost monochromatic shades for Diogo. The contrast becomes even more apparent in moments such as their work routines and the state of the condominium, showcasing how Appspace brings practicality, efficiency, and time to focus on what truly matters.